
It’s amazing how significant a four letter word can be, right?! For instance…How’s life treating you? What are you doing with your life? My life is falling apart! So many different things associated with such a small word!

I’m a firm believer that trials and tribulations make us stronger, but I also believe that at times, life can definitely beat you down.

I started this blog in hopes that someone out there would read it and realize that they’re not alone. Often times people hide their scars for as long as they can and other times they wear them proudly.

I’m a private person that hid my scars for years. I kept my hurt, anger, pain, and resentment all bottled up inside until one day it was more than I could bear. I prayed every day for God to give me an answer to my problems.

And, you know what?

I still do…

We’re all on this journey of life together and everyone’s journey is different. I hope and pray that by telling my story that I can help at least one person find their path and pursue it. My journey isn’t finished…really, it’s just now begun, and I haven’t even began to tell you my story… but, maybe we can travel through this life together. I hope that you will read my blog and know that there’s always someone out there to help or to listen. We’re never alone in this world. No matter how bad things seem to be, they could always be worse. We’re all strong enough to survive everything life throws at us…we just  have to pay attention to the signs!!!

Today, let’s close a door on the past and let’s open a new door to the future. Let’s keep our heads up, our minds grounded, and let’s begin a new chapter!!

“Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride”

Buckle Up😉